Thursday, July 3, 2008

Connectivity 1

From top: 
Austral four 2007. Inlaid porcelain
Bone china count inlaid into porcelain, 2004
Magpie Geese, Nyleta Wetland, Atherton, Queensland, June 2008
Rose Gum (Eucalyptus grandis) ecotone, Paluma Road, June 2008; after 26 years of photographing this forest, the road to Hidden Valley has now been bitumised. A World Heritage ecosystem. 
From top: Warming newly emerged Ulysses butterfly, Townsville backyard, June 2008.
Ulysses butterfly coccoon, Townsville backyard, June 2008.
Ulyssses butterfly, Townsville backyard, June 2008. Newly emerged, and warming up for first flight.
Images: Louise Boscacci